24 July 2021
QUESTION 1 Case link:- https://mahendrakancharla444.blogspot.com/ I went through kancherla Mahendra's assignment ,and briefly reviewed all her answers. >Q1. He have mentioned 6 different branches . He had presented the insights for each case in very comphrensive and accurately. I have gone through each case review which were very reasoning to the given case. There were no photographs related to the case. It would be easy to understandable with the pictures >Q2. He has not been assigned a case <Q3&Q4 .He has taken a Renal case of 45yrold male with acute kidney damage on chronic kidney disease with the uraemic encephalopathy. he had made a detail and neat appraisal.he mentioned the present illness and past history of the patient clearly. Also the provisonal diagnosis is presented. <Q5. He has shared his personal feeling about the current scenario of the online classes. Truly speaking that it is new and quiet difficult task for us. this makes us to habitua